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Home / SR&ED Blog / Eligibility / PROVINCIAL LEVEL: SR&ED REFUND


The maximum SR&ED refund for the provincial level varies by province. There are two provinces with a maximum refundable SR&ED tax credit:

  • British Columbia: CAD $300,000
  • Newfoundland and Labrador: CAD $188,348

All other provinces and territories offer non-refundable SR&ED tax credits, which means that they can be used to reduce your provincial or territorial income tax payable, but they cannot be refunded if they exceed your tax payable.

Here is a table of the current provincial and territorial SR&ED tax credit rates:

Province/TerritoryTax Credit RateRefundable?
British Columbia10% of SR&ED qualified British Columbia expendituresYes, up to CAD $300,000
Alberta10% of SR&ED qualified Alberta expendituresNo
Saskatchewan10% of SR&ED qualified Saskatchewan expendituresNo
Manitoba10% of SR&ED qualified Manitoba expendituresNo
Ontario20% of SR&ED qualified Ontario expendituresNo
Quebec14% of SR&ED qualified Quebec expendituresNo
New Brunswick15% of SR&ED qualified New Brunswick expendituresNo
Prince Edward Island15% of SR&ED qualified Prince Edward Island expendituresNo
Nova Scotia15% of SR&ED qualified Nova Scotia expendituresNo
Newfoundland and Labrador15% of eligible expendituresYes, up to CAD $188,348
Yukon15% of eligible expendituresYes, no maximum
Northwest Territories15% of eligible expendituresYes, no maximum
Nunavut15% of eligible expendituresYes, no maximum

It is important to note that the maximum SR&ED refund for the provincial level may vary from year to year, so it is always best to consult with a qualified tax professional to get the most up-to-date information.

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