Once your SR&ED claim is filed (within 18 months of the corporation’s year-end…..NO exceptions), CRA processes it. The initial review is a computer-assisted one that assigns a risk assessment score based on the wording and financial info provided.
SR&ED Tax Credits: the Numbers
The purpose of the SR&ED legislation is to induce technological advancement within Canadian industry. This requires research and experimental development.
Formadrain Inc. v. The Queen
The case of Formadrain Inc. v. The Queen, 2017 CCI 42, recently determined that a new approach to making tubing used in repairing drains involved SR&ED. The Crown argued that the project’s technological uncertainty was “entirely in the chemical composition of the...
The 5 SR&ED Questions
The law says several things about SR&ED. There has to have been a scientific or technological uncertainty. This means that the scientific or technological challenge was not resolvable by only using methodologies (techniques and procedures) that are standard practice for competent practitioners in the knowledge field to which the project pertains
What is SR&ED?
The fundamentals of it are that you need to be seeking technological advancement through scientific research or experimental development that is done via systematic experimentation or analysis.
CRA SR&ED Claim – How Long Does it Take To Get Together?
One of the concerns many people have about filing the SRED claim is the amount of time they will have to spend. It would be misleading to say that you would not notice the demand on your schedule. It DOES take time, but it can be minimized.
SR&ED Tax Credit – What To Expect From The CRA
The SRED program is administered by CRA because it is the Income Tax Act of Canada that gives the program its authority.